Sunday, May 22, 2011

The REAL definition

Nation: Imaginary alliance among millions of individuals who don't know each other, manipulated by hierarchical elites for fun and profit.  --L. Reichard White, Monday, May 23, 2011 1:14 AM

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Why do so-called "debunkers" spend all their time trying to debunk alternative conspiracy theories and virtually no time debunking the Establishment Conspiracy Theory?  --L. Reichard White, Saturday, May 21, 2011 10:05 AM

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Universal epitaph

Note that Fascism (crony Capitalism) creates an internal struggle between the politicians and their contributors (businesspersons). This creates the false impression with the public that business and government are adversaries. While the specific winners and losers may change the game remains the same. The only constant losers are the outsiders, e.g., the tax payers. How ironic that the taxpayers indorse the system, decade after decade, century after century, but not the result. Those who blame business are called liberals. Those who blame big gov are called conservatives. We are getting what we deserve. Few understand the root of the problem: centralized power is not controllable, constructive, or rational. Every civilization has been destroyed by it and we are in our last decades.  --Don Duncan, May 11, 2011

Know The Truth and The Truth Shall - - -

Get you in trouble - - -
"An unchallenged lie becomes an unquestioned truth." --L. Reichard White

Which may be why,

"In [this] age of mass deception, telling the truth is a radical act." --Eric A. Blair, AKA George Orwell

And, finally,

"You will know you have spoken the truth when you are angrily denounced; and you will know you have spoken both truly and well when you are visited by the police." --J. B. R. Yant